Here are a few important updates on the David Wright House:
1. As a note of interest regarding the attitude of the current owner and his disregard for the public interest in his new acquisition, Jim McPherson reports that, “the current owner of the David & Gladys Wright House invited PHOENIX Mayor Greg Stanton and guests to tour the building and grounds today…the mayor and a few others from the State Historic Preservation Office, Planning Commission, and Historic Preservation Commission (stood) in front of the chain link fence. They couldn’t get in. The property owner did not show up. He did not call beforehand to cancel or reschedule. He did not answer the phone when the mayor called on his cell phone… twice.”
We have a battle on our hands folks! It’s important that we show our support for saving this house by taking all of the public process steps available to us.
2. There will be an Open House this weekend at the David Wright House. This is a great opportunity to see this masterpiece for yourself and to show your support (respectfully). Please note that it is likely that people will not be allowed inside the house, but will only be able to walk around the house from the outside. Here is the announcement from the owner’s website:
8081 Meridian will be holding a Open Property for the public this Saturday and Sunday, September 29th and 30th from 8:00 am – noon. Although the owners have been advised not to allow attendees access to the upper levels of the home due to structural concerns, they are confident that the public will enjoy the rare opportunity to walk the grounds and take pictures as they enjoy an up-close view of the home Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built for his son sixty years ago. The event is free and bottled water will be provided.
5212 E. Exeter Blvd., Phoenix, 85018 (property entrance is located on N. Rubicon Ave., between Exeter Blvd. and E. Camelback Rd. in Arcadia)
3. The Historic Preservation Commission unanimously recommended a landmark designation of this house on September 21st. The next step to achieve this designation is to have the Village Planning Commission recommend this as well. The Village Planning Commission meeting is on Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 6pm at the Devonshire Senior Center (2802 E. Devonshire Avenue), please attend and show your support.
4. The third step is to get the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday October 9, 2012 at 6pm at the Phoenix Council Chambers. Please come and show your support at this meeting as well!
5. The fourth and final step is approval by the City Council. The meeting where this will be decided will take place on Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 5pm at the City Council Chambers. This will be the most important meeting to attend and show your support, so please plan to be there!
6. If you have not signed the petition to save the house yet, you can do so here.
It’s time to rally and stand behind our world-famous architectural and cultural heritage in the David Wright House!
Photo Credit: An exterior shot of the David Wright House. Photo by the author.