Posts Tagged ‘filmbar’

Tweet A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of sitting down with the Director to Planning and Development at the City of Phoenix, Debra Stark. We talked about all the different things the department is doing to encourage reuse of existing buildings, promote energy efficiency and take away barriers of building for small businesses. Merger of Planning and Historic Preservation with Development Services: The merger of three different but related departments initially occurred because of City budget cuts but according to Debra, it’s proven to be great for collaboration and the streamlining of services. About a year and a…

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Tweet Today’s post is by contributing writer Ryan Glass. Last month I discussed the ideas behind meeting all your needs in a hyper-local environment, specifically with transit-oriented development areas in mind.  At the end, I challenged everyone to give it a whirl: “See if you can get everything you need, and some things you don’t really need, without ever getting in your car. I bet you’ll like what you find, and your local business-owners will love the support. “ Feeling a need to put my money where my mouth is, what follows is a case-study in doing just that within…

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July 10, 2011

11 Bicycle Films

by: Taz Loomans

Tweet A few weeks ago I watched To Live and Ride in LA at Filmbar, a brand new film about aggressive urban cycling in LA. I walked away from the movie entertained but feeling under-represented. It was all about young men, mostly in their early 20s, who ride fixed gear bikes in traffic in LA and in urban races often without breaks. It was thrilling to watch and the accompanying music was great, but what does that reckless kind of biking have to do with me? Plus all the riders profiled in the movie were men, not a single woman…

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February 28, 2011

Why Downtown Phoenix Needs an All-Ages Music Venue

by: Si Robins

Tweet Today’s post is by writer Si Robins, who I got to know watching the Suns playoffs last year at The Duce.  Si is the editor of Downtown Phoenix Journal and a family of green living websites. You can find him riding his bike throughout downtown Phoenix, and drinking too much espresso at local coffee shops. Drop Si a line at When I was in college, Downtown Phoenix meant entertainment: Suns games, First Fridays and live music. Modified Arts was an icon for us under-agers — during that strange and unfortunate three-year window where you’re away from home but…

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