If you’re interested in participating in the Arizona Appliance Rebate Program which starts April 12, wait for this information to be announced:
- The telephone number and website address where you can make your reservation.
- What time on April 12 you’ll be
able to make your reservation.
I’ll post this information as soon as it becomes available. For an overview of this rebate program check out Monday’s post. Remember there are a total number of about 35,000 reservations the state is giving out and they will go fast. So be prepared, know the appliance you want and the rebate you’re going for and be ready to act fast on April 12.
On Monday, I focused on the clothes washer rebate program. Yesterday I talked about eligible dishwashers. Today I’ll walk you through the water heaters eligible for the rebate.
If you feel like it’s time to replace your water heater, this is a great time to do it as you could qualify for this additional state rebate. Whereas for the clotheswasher and the dishwasher there are only two categories of rebates, for water heaters, there are four.
The first step to determine which rebate category you should apply for is to figure out whether your current water heater is gas or electric. If it’s gas-powered, then three of the four categories of rebates are available to you. If your water heater is electric-powered, then you can apply for one of the four rebate categories for your next purchase.
The three gas categories are:
- A Gas-Condensing water heater with an Energy Factor greater than 0.8. The Energy Star website defines Energy Factor as “Energy Factor is the ratio of useful energy output from the water heater to the total amount of energy delivered to the water heater. The
higher the EF is, the more efficient the water heater.” There is a $200 rebate available for this kind of water heater. The catch with this is that Energy Star Gas-Condensing water heaters supposedly just got on the market, but I was not able to find one. My recommendation is that you consider one of the next two rebate categories because it’ll be extremely hard if not impossible to
find an Energy Star rated Gas-Condensing water heater at this time. - A Gas-Storage water heater with an Energy Factor greater than 0.67 will qualify for a $200
rebate. There are some Energy-Star rated gas-storage water heaters on the market with an Energy
Factor of 0.62, so make sure you pick the right one to qualify for this rebate. You can check out the
models of gas-storage water heaters with their energy factors at this Energy Star website. A
typical Energy Star gas-storage water heater will cost between $450 and $600, so this rebate will contribute a big chunk to your costs. - A Gas Tankless water heater with an Energy Factor greater than 0.82 is eligible for a $300 rebate. This standard is the minimum Energy Star standard so any Energy Star rated gas tankless water heater will qualify for this rebate.
Take a look at my earlier post about water heaters for things to consider before getting a tankless water heater. The up-front cost of a tankless water heater (including installation) is about $2200. But with federal and state tax credits, plus this latest appliance rebate it will end up costing you about $200.
If you currently have an electric water heater you can purchase an Electric Heat Pump water heater with an Energy Factor greater than 2.0 to qualify for a $425 rebate. This is the minimum standard for an Energy Star label so any Energy Star rated Electric Heat Pump will qualify for this rebate. This water heater will cost you around $1660 including installation. There is a federal tax credit available for this type of water heater, so along with this appliance rebate, you will be paying $785 out of pocket.
I know this is a lot of information to digest and figure out. If you would like more clarification and help sorting through all this information to make the best and most cost-effective choice for your next appliance purchase, whether it be a clothes
washer, a dishwasher or a water heater, contact me and I’ll be happy to help you out.

Arizona Appliance Rebate Program: How to get yours. Part III: Water Heaters – Blooming Rock leslgiq