Posts Tagged ‘Planning and Development Services’

January 02, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions for a Better Community

by: Jim McPherson

Tweet Today’s post is by Jim McPherson, a follow up to his guest post last week.  He helps us kick off the new year with some resolutions on how to improve Phoenix and concrete steps on how to get started.  Thanks Jim!… Happy New Year! Here in Phoenix, the sun is out, the sky is clear, and there’s a slight chill in the air.  Not bad, not bad at all.  It’s also that time of the year to resolve to improve upon the previous year.  It’s time to look forward and to move forward. Last week in my post, “Yes…

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Tweet Today’s post is the fifth installment of the Wednesday Phoenix Tree and Shade Masterplan Series.  Today’s installment is about the second step outlined to implement the Masterplan – Preserve, Protect and Increase.  As you might recall, Raising Awareness was the first step which I discussed two weeks ago.  The final step is Sustainable and Maintainable Infrastructure and that will be the subject of next week’s installment. The goal of the Preserve, Protect and Increase phase is to “Preserve, protect and increase the quality and quantity of trees and vegetation, especially large shade trees in appropriate areas” according to the…

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